Stone:Quartz citrine 15x12mm
Price of the cut and engraving:120€ |

Pedra: amethyst 15x12mm
Price of the cut: 50€ |

Stone: natural zircon
Price of the cut: 30€ |

Stone: Rubilite 1.5ct 5x10mm
Price of the cut:30€ |

Stone:Quartz citrine 15x12mm
Price of the cut and engraving:120€ |

Stone: Escapolite 10,50ct
Price of the cut:40€ |

Stone: Rubilite 7,25ct 15x10mm
Price of the cut:35€ |

Stone: Quartz 25x16mm
47€ |

23mm (length) Cut stone
Stone: tourmaline
Price: sold |

Stone: Rubi 3,45ct 6,5x10mm
Price of the cut:35€ |

18mm12mm Cut stone
Stone: citrine
Price: 40€/etch |

Cut stone
Stone: topaz
Price: 20€ per ct |

Stone: Rubilite 6,30ct 10x10mm
Price of the cut:40€ |

13mm (diameter) Cut stone
Stone: citrine
Price: 60€ |

Cut stone cabochon
Stone: aqua-marine
Price: 5€ per ct |

Cut ruby cabochon
Price: 5€ per ct |

17mm (diameter) Cut stone
Stone: quartz
Price: 50€ |

Pedra lapidada ovo
Pedra: Turmalina 8,4ct
Preço: Vendida |

Cut ruby triangle faceted
Price of the cut: 35€ |

Cut stone: smoky quartz 30€/each |

Stone: opal
Price: 2,5€ per ct of finished
Comments: the stones wore brought by the client and the
price refers only to the work of shaping them |

Cut ruby pear faceted
Price of the cut 35€ |

Cut stone cabochon
Stone: quartz
Price: 5€ per ct |

Cut Emerald square 3 ct
Price: sold |

Cut stone: green tourmaline |

Cut stone round faceted
Stone: quartz 8mm
Price: 25€/each |

Stone: Emerald 3,75ct
Sold |

Cut stone chess faceted
Stone: quartz and lapiz-lazuli
Price of the cut 35€ |

Cut stone: amethyst |